Reasons for Lack of Faith

“For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things. Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God. And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight.” – 1 John 3:20-22

2. Distorted perception of authority resulting in difficulty in submitting (Jude v. 8). Resulting in unbelief and skepticism of the Scriptures and inability to recognize the authority of Jesus Christ as Lord through disobedience and double-mindedness.

Mindsets that cause a deficiency of faith
1. Not seeking God according to the truth set forth in the Word of God.

3. Feelings of inferiority or strife resulting fromby incorrect childlike conclusions made as a result of continual parental abuse and mentally threatened by abandonment, resulting in feeling of reject unworthiness, fear of failing and learning.

4. Fear of rejection, most likely caused by broken promises, which set the stage for distrust, cynicism, skepticism, disobedience and independence.

5. Feelings of pride, their own righteousness and importance causing a form of insanity and self-assured reasoning. (Luke 1:51).

6. General state of depression is possibly caused by:

  • Reliance on worldly resources and unresolved involvement in occult practices which are in direct disagreement and conflict with the Spirit of truth and the Word of God.
  • Being controlled and dominated by other people and anger.
  • Physical ailments due to chemical imbalance of the body.

7. Unresolved guilt and an inability to accept or grant forgiveness caused by years of legalistic teaching which attracts demonic oppression (Matt. 18:20-35; John 20:23)

8. Comparing of possible losses of “meaningful” possessions. (Psalm 73)

9. Escapism and Avoidant Personality Syndrome. (Ps. 55)

10. Generational curses.

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